CRM2GP OrderFlow Details

CRM2GP OrderFlow composition:

  • Staging database
  • Listener webservice
  • Pull module (from CRM to Staging)
  • Push module (from Staging to GP)
  • Interactive Dashboard to see and resolve issues
  • (Optional) AlwaysUp scheduling software


CRM2GP OrderFlow Technical Details

  • Underlying staging database is SQL Server and can reside on your same server as Dynamics GP or live in the cloud. This is hosted by your company, not nCompass.
  • Listener webservice
  • Pull module - Software to poll your source CRM and copy orders and associated customers to Staging database. Written in C#. This software validates and massages the data to glide smoothly into GP.
  • Push module - Software to push staged orders into the proper Dynamics GP company database in batches. Written in C#. This software utilizes MS Dynamics eConnect to preserve the data integrity and business rules established by your company for GP.
  • Interactive Dashboard to see and resolve issues. API and UI to users to see and interact with the data as it moves between CRM and GP systems.
  • (Optional) AlwaysUp scheduling software. This is software that runs on the server and operates like a unix cron job to keep the regularity of the schedules for pull and push.
computer, server, workstation

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